Sunday, May 5, 2013

Now anyone can post a comment.

After receiving a tip on making my blog more readable, I began checking other settings and found out, to my annoyance, that I had a default setting that wouldn't allow every reader the chance to comment. As that is now fixed, everyone can comment on this blog. If you have an idea for my blog, Ill see what I can do.

While I post this, I figure I might as well  take the time to tell you about the posts on this blog. Some of you may have noticed that I don't post an article about a state park or whatnot every week. There are two main reasons for this:

1 - I do not have the pictures/information on whatever it is. When it comes to a state park or trail, I like to research about the park and take my own pictures. As for a native plant or animal or even a waterfall, I want to get my own picture at the time of year I think it is at it's best - that is flowers are best when blooming, deciduous trees look great in late October, and a great waterfall picture depends on the surrounding vegetation (except during wintertime when snow and ice are what determines the waterfall picture)

2 - I have limited time and money. While I would love to be in one corner of the state one week and a different corner the next, I just do not have the money for multi-day trips every week, nor do I have a job that I can schedule things around. I work at a mobile slaughter, which means I work when I can. From January to June I have the time but not the money to check out state parks, while the other have of the year, I will have the money but not the time.

To those that keep reading my blogs, thank you for staying with me. As I said above, If you have an idea for me, I'll see what I can do.

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