Thursday, May 9, 2013

Trail Talk Thursday #8

Just south of Aumsville (that little town between Salem and Stayton that has a skateboard park) is a county park with a trail looping through it. That trail, which has no name, winds this way and that around Young Lake in the Aumsville Ponds County Park. Besides viewing Young Lake from several spots, the trail, which I will call Young Lake Trail, also allows hikers to view two small ponds which also do not have a name. If you are lucky, like I was the day I went hiking on this trail, you might see deer and uncommon birds, such as the Red-winged Blackbird. Other birds that were seen there included a  Great Blue Heron, Canadian Geese, and many smaller birds that like to hide in the marshes.

The trail starts out here (parking is off to the left, Young Lake is on the right)

One of the small ponds that is along the trail

Another small pond...

Young Lake (the bridge on the other side is part of the trail)

 Young Lake (you can just see the second foot bridge on the other side)

A Great Blue Heron was standing near the first bridge

So if you're looking for a short hike within 30 minutes of Salem, check out either the trail around Young Lake at Aumsville Ponds County Park. The parking is on the north side of the park - off of Bates Road. Until next time, get outside and and enjoy hiking on one of the many trails in the great Oregon Outdoors.

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