Thursday, January 31, 2013

Trail Talk Thursday #4

Silver Falls Bike Trail

At 5.6-miles round trip, this trail connects the campground to the South Falls Day Use Area, and then continues towards the east to a 2.4-mile loop. For those that want to start at the Day Use Area instead, the distance is roughly 4.4 miles round trip, and although you don't see any major waterfalls, the Springtime wildflowers and the Autumn colors create a bike trip like no other in the Willamette Valley. If you do come for the wildflowers, they generally bloom from late April to early July, with the majority in May. Or if you prefer to see the trees in all shades of greens, yellows, oranges, and reds, late October seems to be the best time too see the park.

So if you're an avid biker, like many Oregonians are, check out the Silver Falls Bike Trail at Silver Falls State Park. Until next time, get outside and and enjoy hiking, or biking, on one of the many trails in the great Oregon Outdoors.

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