Friday, January 18, 2013

Festival Friday #2

With January being the official 'Oregon Crab Month', this week's Festival Friday fits right in. The featured event is the Mo's Crab and Chowder Festival. Starting on January 25th and ending on the 27th, this event is held not at the coast, but right in the middle of the Willamette Valley outside the small town of Turner. If you have a love for the famous Mo's Clam Chowder, or crab caught off the Oregon Coast, then head on over the the Willamette Valley Vineyards to enjoy some of Oregon's best seafood paired with some of Oregon's best wine. The admission to the event is $10 for Wine Club Members, and $15 for non-members. All admissions include a Riedel wine glass, and Mo's menu items cost extra. The hours go from 5pm-9pm on Friday, and 11am-6pm on Saturday & Sunday. So bring your friends and family along to enjoy a great, uniquely Oregon, festival.

The Willamette Valley Vineyards in Summer

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