Thursday, May 15, 2014

Trail Talk Thursday #14

Today's trail is located at Bonesteele County Park, located along the Aumsville Highway. The main trail head is located next to the eastern end of the parking lot, and descends into a wooded section on the property as it leaves a short dirt road that is gated off. Of course, many people start by walking uphill on that road instead of taking the slightly hidden trail. As you enter the forest on this trail, you come across a boardwalk that passes Spring Wildflowers.

As the trail continues, you will find that after walking uphill a short ways, the trail splits into two. The left trail will take you up to a section of forested hillside that is bordered by boulders before connecting with that short road that leads you back to the parking lot.

The right trail will take you out of the small forest and to another split in the trail. Taking a left here will follow the edge of the woods and down to the parking lot, while a right will take you around the perimeter of the rest of the park and offer a view of Mount Jefferson. The field located on the property also has many trails that cross it. For those of you that want to bring Fido, this park allows it as long as the dog remains on a leash and it's poop is picked up. With so many trail combinations to choose from, you and your pet can hike as little or as long as your dog is willing to go.

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