Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Native Talk Tuesday #18

Today, both a native bird and a native flower will be featured.

The bird featured in today's Native Talk Tuesday is Turdus migratorius, commonly known as the American Robin. This robin is found in a variety of habitats ranging from woodlands to open prairie to city parks. The most common robin in America, this bird has a diet of berries, insects, and worms. The picture of the robin below was taken at St. Louis Ponds County Park, west of Gervais.

The flower featured in today's Native Talk Tuesday is Cardamine pulcherrima, commonly known as the Beautiful Bitter-cress. This plant of the Mustard Family is found in moist forests and stream banks at low elevations.Unlike the Angled Bitter-cress, which has three leaflets that are lobed, this bitter-cress has three-to-five leaflets that are lance-shaped. The flower in the photo was found at Silver Falls State Park, east of Salem.

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