Thursday, April 18, 2013

Trail Talk Thursday #5

If you are looking for a place to get away and see some of the migrating birds at a place that has a great view of the countryside, look no further than the Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge. At this time of year you can see many of the migrating waterfowl in many of the marshes and fields. A short hike up to the Rich Guadagno Observation Platform  allows you to get a closer look at the Willamette Valleys' past. Aside from the many birds you will see, the trail to the platform takes you through Oak Savanna, where grasses, wildflowers, and Oaks show visitors how the landscape of Willamette Valley  would have looked like before the settlers came into the region.

At left are several hundred geese, at right is one of the many marshes around Baskett Butte

After taking in the view at the platform, a short hike on the Rich Guadagno Memorial Loop Trail will take you up into the Oak forest at the top of Baskett Butte. While hiking through this small patch of forest, you will see many ferns and wood sorrel that are often found in the Cascade and Coast Ranges. Seeing these shade-loving plants in an Oak forest is rather unique for the Willamette Valley, but a few muddy patches along the trail tell us that the top of this hill gets plenty of rain.

 Besides the view, both of these pictures show the Oak Savanna with many grasses, wildflowers, and Oaks.

The trail to the Rich Guadagno Observation Platform, as well as the Rich Guadagno Memorial Loop Trail are open year round. While Springtime might be great if you want to see the wildflowers, I have a feeling that late October would be great to take in the various colors that the Oak trees display.

So if you're looking for a short hike in the mid-Willamette Valley, check out the Rich Guadagno Loop Trail at Baskett Slough NWR. Until next time, get outside and and enjoy hiking, or biking, on one of the many trails in the great Oregon Outdoors.

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